Thursday 9 May 2019


-The group is made for poetry, anything apart from poetry is not allowed.

-No link or promotion of member books , except of admins and administrators.

-No form of racial discrimination, argumentation, segregation and sectionalism will be welcomed.

-plagiarism is not welcomed.

-All teens shall learn with uniformity, cooperation and oneness.

- Bullies should be reported.

- All poem here must not be offensively criticized the only exception for the criticism of poems is only if its a constructive one.

-This is a family, we expect all to know that we grow collectively as one. Therefore members who cause disunity and lack of harmony in the group should be reported.

-This is a field, a grazing field of poetry, post your poetry, must be acknowledged by one.

-All contest poems shall be submitted via our blog

-Each teenage poet here should know that you are under our territory, therefore your security and privacy is our responsibility to the core. Report anything seems otherwise with our group description, anything at all.

-promotion of poetry book or anything by their links is forbidden here.

-All member poet after joining should email us to request for his/her member ID for any contest we hold or promote can not be participated in except with the exhibit of your membership ID.

-All teens should join our "Teens community" a group chat where teenage poetic things are discussed.

-All poets here that are not administrators or teens must not post more than three poems here per day.

Thank you all,
 Your Administrators.

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