Wednesday 26 June 2019

Meet Sahjahan Ali Ahmed ~ Teens administrators series
Chosen as per Meritorious silver role (MSR), Sahjahan Ali Ahmed is one of the governor's of TEENS GOT POETRY who having had
a Uniform Excellent Academic Career since childhood , is an Assistant Professor , working in the Department of English at Barpeta Girls' College, Assam. India for the last 25 years . A man who commands respect both from his Colleagues and Students for his sagacity , and sincerity to work, is also a great lover of English and Assamese literatures , specially Poetry and Short Stories. His writings have been featured in many College Magazines and Anthologies published from India and abroad a few are mentioned below

1. Peace Lovers
2. Spark of Hope
3.Traumus on Widow
5. Medley of Melodies
4.Spring - Window To Peace
7. My Valentine
8. World Poetry on Let There Be Peace
9. Petals of Dewdrops
10. Gogyohka First Anthology 2018
11.Gogyohka Autumn Journal, Nov. 2018 and many more are on the way of publication.

Though a new face in the realms of English poetry (Since Nov. 2017) , yet he has over Sixty Gold , above or equivalent certificates to his credit earned from various poetry contests .In addition he is also been the recipient of the following accolades

1. BOLD GOLD PEN AWARD 2018 with highest Score
2. Poet of the Year 2018 declared by
a. Literature Lover's Association
b.Reel of Poetry Group
4.Friend of Humanity Award
5. Poet of Honour
6. Pride of India Award

Very recently he was elected Senator to the World Union of Poets . While writing continuously , he has been also been working as Jury member and Administrator of several International Poetry Group .Further he has been able to capture the readers as a distinguished Translator from Assamese to English . Several of his translations have been published already.
With humble submission ,he seeks support , inspiration and blessings of all esteemed bards across the globe .

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